Let me start off by saying I am not a morning person...at all. If you e-mail me at midnight, you will usually get a very quick response, mornings-not so much. I usually only book mornings if their is no other time we can work out, or if we want some amazing morning light.
My good friend Cat asked me to come over to document Paige's first day of school. I really love Cat and adore Paige so I agreed. It was really a great time. Paige was so excited and she looked so cute. Tony is such a great dad and took the entire day off. We got some great pictures and got to witness an amazing sunrise. I am not looking forward to next year when it is my turn to send Olivia to kindergarden. I was even teary on the way home for Cat and already for next year when Olivia goes full time to school. Thanks for a great morning guys!

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