I had such a great time with Kassie and her mom. Kassie is so put together for a girl her age. I casually asked if she knew where she was going to school next year. She rattled off what she wants to do with her life for the next 7-10 years. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life at her age. It is refreshing to see someone that knows what they want and is willing to do the hard work to get there. Kassie seems like such an amazing Christian girl. She is actively involved at school and has time to play multiple sports. She is a beautiful girl, both inside and out. I could also tell that Robin really loves Kassie. I know all mom's love their kids, but I loved that it oozed out of Robin. The pride in her voice when she spoke about Kassie was heartwarming. I pray I feel the same love and affection for my kids when they are that age. It was such a blessing to spend time with them.

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